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Current Asset Allocation

Click here to view the article, Ironing Out The Ironies (The Economics of Your Liquid Assets). Sure, you know the best case scenario. But, what is the worse case scenario for your money?

The accompanying chart shows how our investment pie is sliced up.

Our main investment vehicles, listed largest to smallest, are:

  1. Residential Real Estate (43%)
  2. Collectibles & Antiques (28.7%)
  3. Money Market (17.3%)
  4. Diversified U.S. Stock Portfolio (6.8%)
  5. Japan Mutual Funds (1.8%)
  6. Cash (1.4%)
  7. Treasury Bills [13 week] (0.7%)
  8. Precious Metals & Rare Coins (0.3%)
Within the U.S. stock market portfolio, these holdings make-up 50% of the value: RTRSY, XON, SBH, AOL, CMGI, CSCO, DJT, GBLX, LU, ROV, USW, SUN, WITC, and SEEK.

Within the Japanese oriented mutual funds, the following should be noted:

  1. We usually frown on mutual funds. However, when you invest in foreign countries, sometimes mutual funds make the most sense.
  2. We made certain these were no-load funds.
  3. We made sure there were no other costs or fees associated with these mutual funds.
  4. The fund names include: Warburg Pincus Japan Growth, Fidelity Japan, and Fidelity Japan Small Companies. (Note: you must obey certain rules to be exempt from loads and/or fees.)

The money market funds are spread-out over a few different accounts. The interest rates being paid vary depending on the other services that are available. For instance, the lowest interest rate is from the bank that allows ATM transactions without a fee. The highest interest rate comes from an Internet bank that offers no ATM transactions.

Asset Allocation Chart

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