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Spent (.ram / extemporaneous performance music video)

Spent Part 2 (.mpg / concept music video)
Additional graphics courtesy of NASA and the United States government.


Dead by Our Hands There I went,
I went and spent...
All I had.
Makes me sad,
That I have no more,
Though I know some more,
It makes me mad,
That I went and spent,
All I had.

All my resources,
Have been used,
What to do?
I'm so confused.
What have you...
Any more courses?

Some of Our Spare Mess

Hors devour that I can devour?
I need the dough if you have the flour?
I'll need the dough... if I have the power.
Let's bake some bread before I'm dead.
Because... you've heard what I said --

There I went,
I went and spent...
All I had.
Makes me sad,
That I have no more,
Though I know some more,
It makes me mad,
That I went and spent,
All I had.

Hardly any air left up there,
Think the water's safe to drink?
Abuse our climate,
Use our environment,
Q: Lose our planet?
A: Plan on it.

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© The Philadelphia Spirit Experiment Publishing Company & KingArthur.com
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