㰀洀攀琀愀 一䄀䴀䔀㴀∀搀攀猀挀爀椀瀀琀椀漀渀∀ 䌀伀一吀䔀一吀㴀∀䠀甀洀愀渀猀 栀愀瘀攀 挀愀甀猀攀搀
the destruction of our habitat, the planet Earth.伀甀爀 攀渀瘀椀爀漀渀洀攀渀琀 栀愀猀 戀攀挀漀洀攀 甀渀昀椀琀 昀漀爀 栀甀洀愀渀 氀椀昀攀⸀ 吀栀攀 焀甀攀猀琀椀漀渀
now becomes can we adapt to the change fast enough?">㰀洀攀琀愀 一䄀䴀䔀㴀∀欀攀礀眀漀爀搀猀∀ 䌀伀一吀䔀一吀㴀∀爀攀猀瀀漀渀猀椀戀椀氀椀琀礀 戀甀猀椀渀攀猀猀 攀挀漀渀漀洀礀 洀漀渀攀礀
economics costs benefits Global Warming science greenhouse gases">㰀琀椀琀氀攀㸀一攀瘀攀爀 圀愀欀攀 愀 匀氀攀攀瀀椀渀最 䜀椀愀渀琀㨀 吀栀攀 䘀甀琀甀爀攀 漀昀 䜀氀漀戀愀氀 圀愀爀洀椀渀最㰀⼀琀椀琀氀攀㸀
㰀戀漀搀礀 戀最挀漀氀漀爀㴀∀⌀䘀䘀䘀䘀䘀䘀∀㸀
㰀栀 愀氀椀最渀㴀挀攀渀琀攀爀㸀一攀瘀攀爀 圀愀欀攀 愀 匀氀攀攀瀀椀渀最 䜀椀愀渀琀㨀 吀栀攀 䘀甀琀甀爀攀 漀昀 䜀氀漀戀愀氀 圀愀爀洀椀渀最㰀戀爀㸀
aka The Sleeping Giant Rages Against the Ghost in the Machine 㰀⼀栀㸀
戀礀 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀∀㸀吀栀攀 䴀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀 䐀漀洀愀椀渀㰀⼀愀㸀㰀戀爀㸀
first published May 2004㰀⼀琀琀㸀
⠀㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀猀氀攀攀瀀椀渀最开最椀愀渀琀开攀猀瀀愀渀漀氀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀吀爀愀搀甀挀挀椀渀 攀渀 䔀猀瀀愀漀氀㰀⼀愀㸀⤀
㰀昀漀渀琀 猀椀稀攀㴀∀⬀∀㸀
Based on this article from 2004
吀栀椀猀 愀爀琀椀挀氀攀 猀琀攀洀猀 昀爀漀洀 愀渀 攀洀愀椀氀 琀栀爀攀愀搀 搀椀猀挀甀猀猀椀渀最 愀渀 攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 昀漀爀攀挀愀猀琀 琀栀愀琀 昀愀挀琀漀爀猀 椀渀 最氀漀戀愀氀 眀愀爀洀椀渀最Ⰰ 昀漀漀搀Ⰰ 昀甀攀氀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 椀渀猀甀爀愀渀挀攀Ⰰ 攀洀瀀栀愀猀椀稀椀渀最 猀漀挀椀攀琀礀✀猀 爀攀猀瀀漀渀猀攀 琀漀 栀甀洀愀渀ⴀ椀渀搀甀挀攀搀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀⸀ 圀栀攀渀 椀琀 眀愀猀 眀爀椀琀琀攀渀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 栀漀瀀攀 眀愀猀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀猀攀 瀀爀攀搀椀挀琀椀漀渀猀 眀漀甀氀搀 渀漀琀 洀愀琀攀爀椀愀氀椀稀攀⸀ 唀渀昀漀爀琀甀渀愀琀攀氀礀Ⰰ 洀愀渀礀 栀愀瘀攀 愀氀爀攀愀搀礀 挀漀洀攀 琀爀甀攀⸀
䠀攀氀瀀搀攀猀欀 匀甀戀洀椀猀猀椀漀渀㨀 ∀䐀漀渀✀琀 䈀甀礀 䜀愀猀 漀渀 䴀愀礀 㤀琀栀∀ 䄀渀 攀洀愀椀氀 猀甀最最攀猀琀猀 琀栀愀琀 戀漀礀挀漀琀琀椀渀最 最愀猀漀氀椀渀攀 昀漀爀 愀 搀愀礀 眀漀甀氀搀 昀漀爀挀攀 漀椀氀 挀漀洀瀀愀渀椀攀猀 琀漀 椀渀挀甀爀 猀椀最渀椀昀椀挀愀渀琀 氀漀猀猀攀猀⸀ 䠀漀眀攀瘀攀爀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 椀搀攀愀 氀愀挀欀猀 挀漀渀猀攀爀瘀愀琀椀漀渀 戀攀渀攀昀椀琀猀 愀渀搀 搀椀猀爀甀瀀琀猀 挀漀渀猀甀洀攀爀 戀攀栀愀瘀椀漀爀 眀椀琀栀漀甀琀 愀挀栀椀攀瘀椀渀最 洀攀愀渀椀渀最昀甀氀 椀洀瀀愀挀琀⸀ 吀栀攀 搀攀氀愀礀 椀渀 最愀猀漀氀椀渀攀 瀀甀爀挀栀愀猀攀猀 洀愀礀 攀瘀攀渀 挀愀甀猀攀 瀀爀椀挀攀 猀瀀椀欀攀猀⸀
㰀氀椀㸀 吀栀攀 猀甀最最攀猀琀椀漀渀 椀猀 挀爀椀琀椀挀椀稀攀搀 昀漀爀 挀愀甀猀椀渀最 甀渀渀攀挀攀猀猀愀爀礀 挀漀渀猀甀洀攀爀 栀愀爀洀 眀栀椀氀攀 渀漀琀 猀漀氀瘀椀渀最 琀栀攀 椀猀猀甀攀⸀
- Some argue that passive resistance can be psychologically fulfilling, yet the counterpoint emphasizes that oil companies respond to consumer demand, and hurting businesses inadvertently harms consumers, particularly retirees and those on fixed incomes.㰀氀椀㸀 䈀爀漀愀搀攀爀 攀渀瘀椀爀漀渀洀攀渀琀愀氀 猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀猀Ⰰ 猀甀挀栀 愀猀 爀攀搀甀挀椀渀最 爀攀氀椀愀渀挀攀 漀渀 漀椀氀 愀渀搀 愀搀瘀漀挀愀琀椀渀最 昀漀爀 愀氀琀攀爀渀愀琀椀瘀攀 攀渀攀爀最礀 氀椀欀攀 渀甀挀氀攀愀爀 瀀漀眀攀爀Ⰰ 愀爀攀 瀀爀漀瀀漀猀攀搀 愀猀 洀漀爀攀 攀昀昀攀挀琀椀瘀攀 洀攀琀栀漀搀猀 昀漀爀 挀栀愀渀最攀⸀
The conversation also reflects on broader societal problems, suggesting that the public tends to blame businesses and governments without recognizing its own role in demand creation, particularly regarding environmental issues. As consumers, the responsibility lies with us to drive change through altered consumption habits, rather than short-term protests that ultimately fail to address the underlying issues.㰀瀀㸀
Don't Wake a Sleeping Giant㰀戀爀㸀
In her 1971 essay "A Defense of Abortion," philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson introduced a powerful analogy to explore the moral complexities of bodily autonomy and the right to life. The thought experiment involves a scenario where you are kidnapped and connected to a famous, unconscious concert violinist whose survival depends on being physically attached to your body for nine months. Even though the violinist has a right to life, Thomson argues that you are not morally obligated to sustain his life at the expense of your own bodily autonomy. She uses this analogy to illustrate the moral intricacies of abortion, suggesting that while a fetus may have a right to life, that right does not necessarily supersede a woman's right to control her own body.㰀瀀㸀
Expanding on this analogy, we might imagine society itself as a "sleeping giant." You and I, like a few awake individuals, are sitting beside this giant. The question arises: Should we startle the giant, jolting it into an immediate awareness of the crisis we face -- particularly the looming threat of climate change? What might happen if society, in its panic, awakens too suddenly to this reality? How might a startled giant, unprepared and overwhelmed, react to the enormity of the problem?㰀瀀㸀
To extend the analogy further, consider that the economic system serves as the giant's "life-support machine," a metaphorical heart and lung apparatus that we collectively built and have become dependent on. Over time, we've observed that this machine -- our economic system -- is faltering and clearly unsustainable, much like the failing system that supports the violinist. Early instincts might urge us to rebel, to smash this flawed system outright. But doing so would accelerate our own downfall, potentially leading to a sudden collapse.㰀瀀㸀
The pressing dilemma, then, is whether we can reform or replace this life-support system before it catastrophically fails. However, if society, symbolized by the giant, awakens too abruptly and lashes out against the system before we are fully prepared, the consequences could be disastrous. Like a panicked giant tearing out its life-support, a rushed or poorly coordinated response to the climate crisis could lead to chaos and unintended suffering.㰀瀀㸀
This presents a profound challenge. Even well-meaning actions, such as a sudden, collective decision to halt all pollution for a day, could have devastating repercussions. Essential services like hospitals, transportation, and food supply chains would grind to a halt. The shock would ripple through energy infrastructure and economic systems, triggering further crises and hardship.㰀瀀㸀
The irony is clear: attempting to address the problem too abruptly, whether by smashing the life-support machine or by halting pollution overnight, could create new problems that spiral into deeper crises. In seeking to "do the right thing" too hastily, we risk destabilizing society even more, illustrating the complex balancing act required as we face the monumental task of addressing climate change and transitioning to a sustainable future.㰀瀀㸀
圀栀椀氀攀 戀椀漀最攀漀瀀栀礀猀椀挀愀氀 昀愀挀琀漀爀猀 挀愀渀 戀攀 猀琀甀搀椀攀搀 甀猀椀渀最 洀愀琀栀Ⰰ 瀀栀礀猀椀挀猀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 栀椀猀琀漀爀椀挀愀氀 爀攀挀漀爀搀猀Ⰰ 猀漀挀椀漀ⴀ攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 猀礀猀琀攀洀猀 瀀漀猀攀 最爀攀愀琀攀爀 挀栀愀氀氀攀渀最攀猀 搀甀攀 琀漀 琀栀攀 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀唀渀椀渀琀攀渀搀攀搀ⴀ䌀漀渀猀攀焀甀攀渀挀攀猀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀甀渀椀渀琀攀渀搀攀搀 挀漀渀猀攀焀甀攀渀挀攀猀㰀⼀愀㸀 漀昀 栀甀洀愀渀 戀攀栀愀瘀椀漀爀 愀渀搀 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀䤀渀攀砀瀀氀椀挀愀戀氀攀ⴀ䌀漀渀猀甀洀攀爀ⴀ䈀攀栀愀瘀椀漀爀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀椀渀攀砀瀀氀椀挀愀戀氀攀 挀漀渀猀甀洀攀爀 挀栀漀椀挀攀猀㰀⼀愀㸀⸀㰀瀀㸀
㰀戀㸀㈀ ㈀㐀 唀瀀搀愀琀攀㰀⼀戀㸀㰀戀爀㸀
In March of 2024, a viewer asked:
䤀 愀洀 琀攀爀爀椀昀椀攀搀 漀昀 眀栀愀琀 琀栀攀 猀甀洀洀攀爀 眀椀氀氀 戀爀椀渀最⸀ 夀攀琀 䤀 愀氀猀漀 眀漀渀搀攀爀 椀昀 攀渀漀甀最栀 瀀攀漀瀀氀攀 猀甀昀昀攀爀 昀爀漀洀 漀甀琀ⴀ漀昀ⴀ挀漀渀琀爀漀氀 栀攀愀琀Ⰰ 洀椀最栀琀 椀琀 眀愀欀攀 甀瀀 猀漀洀攀 猀氀攀攀瀀攀爀猀㼀 吀栀攀爀攀 愀爀攀渀ᤀ琠 攀渀漀甀最栀 瀀攀漀瀀氀攀 瀀愀礀椀渀最 愀琀琀攀渀琀椀漀渀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀
This is also a significant concern for us. Traditionally, we would expect to observe a slowdown in ocean surface temperatures during ENSO-neutral and La Niña phases; however, two primary factors may hinder this cooling effect:
The unprecedented acceleration in ocean surface temperatures and sea level rise could counteract the upwelling of cool water typically associated with La Niña.㰀氀椀㸀吀栀攀 爀攀猀琀爀椀挀琀椀漀渀 漀渀 猀甀氀昀甀爀 椀渀 洀愀爀椀渀攀 昀甀攀氀 栀愀猀 椀渀搀椀爀攀挀琀氀礀 挀漀渀琀爀椀戀甀琀攀搀 琀漀 椀渀挀爀攀愀猀攀搀 漀挀攀愀渀 猀甀爀昀愀挀攀 琀攀洀瀀攀爀愀琀甀爀攀猀⸀ 圀栀攀渀 猀甀氀昀甀爀 攀洀椀猀猀椀漀渀猀 昀爀漀洀 洀愀爀椀渀攀 昀甀攀氀猀 愀爀攀 爀攀搀甀挀攀搀Ⰰ 猀栀椀瀀猀 猀眀椀琀挀栀 琀漀 甀猀椀渀最 挀氀攀愀渀攀爀 昀甀攀氀猀 琀栀愀琀 攀洀椀琀 昀攀眀攀爀 猀甀氀昀甀爀 挀漀洀瀀漀甀渀搀猀⸀ 䠀漀眀攀瘀攀爀Ⰰ 琀栀攀猀攀 挀氀攀愀渀攀爀 昀甀攀氀猀 漀昀琀攀渀 挀漀渀琀愀椀渀 洀漀爀攀 挀愀爀戀漀渀 搀椀漀砀椀搀攀 ⠀䌀伀㈀⤀Ⰰ 愀 瀀漀琀攀渀琀 最爀攀攀渀栀漀甀猀攀 最愀猀⸀㰀⼀氀椀㸀
㰀瀀㸀倀䄀刀吀 䤀䤀㨀 䐀漀渀☀⌀㠀㈀㜀㬀琀 圀愀欀攀 愀 匀氀攀攀瀀椀渀最 䜀椀愀渀琀㰀⼀瀀㸀
Regarding people waking up to the climate crisis:
It seems that nothing can prompt the anti-woke to acknowledge the severity of the issue. For instance, Arizona experienced nearly two months of days with temperatures exceeding 110 degrees last year, with wet-bulb temperatures posing lethal risks for outdoor workers. Despite this, Arizona remains one of the strongest concentrations of climate deniers.㰀氀椀㸀䤀昀 琀栀漀猀攀 眀栀漀 愀爀攀 挀甀爀爀攀渀琀氀礀 甀渀愀眀愀爀攀 猀甀搀搀攀渀氀礀 愀眀愀欀攀渀 攀渀 洀愀猀猀攀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 爀攀猀甀氀琀椀渀最 瀀愀渀椀挀 愀渀搀 欀渀攀攀ⴀ樀攀爀欀 爀攀愀挀琀椀漀渀 挀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 攀焀甀愀氀氀礀 栀愀爀洀昀甀氀⸀ 圀攀 眀爀漀琀攀 愀 瀀愀瀀攀爀 漀渀 琀栀椀猀 瀀栀攀渀漀洀攀渀漀渀 椀渀 ㈀ 㐀 琀椀琀氀攀搀 ☀⌀㠀㈀㈀ 㬀吀栀攀 匀氀攀攀瀀椀渀最 䜀椀愀渀琀 刀愀最攀猀 䄀最愀椀渀猀琀 琀栀攀 䜀栀漀猀琀 椀渀 琀栀攀 䴀愀挀栀椀渀攀⸀☀⌀㠀㈀㈀㬀 吀栀攀 攀猀猀攀渀挀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 瀀愀瀀攀爀 椀猀 琀栀愀琀 愀眀愀欀攀渀椀渀最 琀栀攀 猀氀攀攀瀀椀渀最 最椀愀渀琀 氀攀愀搀猀 琀漀 瀀愀渀椀挀Ⰰ 瀀漀琀攀渀琀椀愀氀氀礀 爀攀猀甀氀琀椀渀最 椀渀 栀愀爀洀 琀漀 漀琀栀攀爀猀⸀㰀⼀氀椀㸀
㰀瀀㸀㰀猀琀爀漀渀最㸀䠀甀洀愀渀ⴀ椀渀搀甀挀攀搀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀 椀猀 愀 搀礀渀愀洀椀挀 挀漀洀瀀漀渀攀渀琀 漀昀 愀渀 椀渀琀爀椀挀愀琀攀 愀渀搀 甀渀漀爀搀攀爀攀搀 猀礀猀琀攀洀Ⰰ 愀猀 瀀攀爀 挀栀愀漀猀 琀栀攀漀爀礀⸀㰀⼀猀琀爀漀渀最㸀 吀栀椀猀 椀洀瀀氀椀攀猀 琀栀愀琀 最氀漀戀愀氀 眀愀爀洀椀渀最 椀猀 愀挀挀攀氀攀爀愀琀椀渀最 攀砀瀀漀渀攀渀琀椀愀氀氀礀 椀渀 愀 挀漀洀瀀氀攀砀 洀愀渀渀攀爀⸀ 伀瘀攀爀 琀栀攀 瀀攀爀椀漀搀 昀爀漀洀 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀椀渀搀攀砀ⴀ㈀ ㈀㌀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀㤀㤀㈀ 琀漀 ㈀ ㈀㌀㰀⼀愀㸀Ⰰ 眀攀 栀愀瘀攀 瀀爀攀猀攀渀琀攀搀 挀漀洀瀀攀氀氀椀渀最 攀瘀椀搀攀渀挀攀Ⰰ 瀀爀漀瀀漀猀攀搀 爀攀洀攀搀椀攀猀 琀漀 洀椀琀椀最愀琀攀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 愀洀愀猀猀攀搀 瘀愀氀甀愀戀氀攀 椀渀昀漀爀洀愀琀椀漀渀 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 琀栀攀 攀渀最愀最攀洀攀渀琀 漀昀 洀椀氀氀椀漀渀猀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀椀猀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 洀漀搀攀氀⸀ 夀漀甀爀 瀀愀爀琀椀挀椀瀀愀琀椀漀渀 栀愀猀 戀攀攀渀 椀渀瘀愀氀甀愀戀氀攀⸀ 吀栀攀 椀渀挀漀渀琀爀漀瘀攀爀琀椀戀氀攀 搀愀琀愀 甀渀搀攀爀猀挀漀爀攀猀 琀栀愀琀 栀甀洀愀渀ⴀ椀渀搀甀挀攀搀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀 椀猀 爀愀瀀椀搀氀礀 搀攀琀攀爀椀漀爀愀琀椀渀最 漀甀爀 栀愀戀椀琀愀琀⸀㰀⼀瀀㸀
Our climate model / experiment employs chaos theory to comprehensively consider human impacts and projects a potential global average temperature increase of 9℃ above pre-industrial levels. Global warming is a consequence of elevated thermal energy in the climate system, which comprises various subsystems. Chaos theory underscores the intricate and nonlinear nature of dynamic systems. Human well-being is compromised above a 1.5-degree temperature rise, rendering much of the Earth uninhabitable. A 9-degree Celsius increase would bring the Earth close to a wet-bulb temperature incapable of sustaining human life.
唀渀昀漀爀琀甀渀愀琀攀氀礀Ⰰ 攀瘀攀渀 猀挀椀攀渀琀椀猀琀猀 愀爀攀 昀愀椀氀椀渀最 琀漀 猀攀攀 ⠀氀攀琀 愀氀漀渀攀 昀漀爀攀挀愀猀琀⤀ 琀栀攀 爀愀瀀椀搀 愀挀挀攀氀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀 椀渀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀⸀ 䐀甀攀 琀漀 琀栀攀椀爀 挀漀洀瀀氀攀砀椀琀礀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀䐀漀洀椀渀漀ⴀ䔀昀昀攀挀琀ⴀ吀椀瀀瀀椀渀最ⴀ倀漀椀渀琀猀ⴀ吀漀瀀瀀氀攀搀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀椀洀瀀愀挀琀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 䐀漀洀椀渀漀 䔀昀昀攀挀琀㰀⼀愀㸀 愀爀攀 戀攀椀渀最 甀渀搀攀爀攀猀琀椀洀愀琀攀搀⸀ 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀吀椀瀀瀀椀渀最ⴀ倀漀椀渀琀猀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀吀椀瀀瀀椀渀最 瀀漀椀渀琀猀㰀⼀愀㸀 愀爀攀 䌀爀椀琀椀挀愀氀 䴀椀氀攀猀琀漀渀攀猀 琀栀愀琀 搀椀爀攀挀琀氀礀 椀洀瀀愀挀琀 琀栀攀 爀愀琀攀 漀昀 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀䌀氀椀洀愀琀攀ⴀ䌀栀愀渀最攀ⴀ䄀挀挀攀氀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀ⴀ刀愀琀攀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀愀挀挀攀氀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀 椀渀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀㰀⼀愀㸀 戀礀 洀甀氀琀椀瀀氀礀椀渀最 琀栀攀 渀甀洀戀攀爀 愀渀搀 椀渀琀攀渀猀椀琀礀 漀昀 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀渀漀琀攀猀⼀昀攀攀搀戀愀挀欀ⴀ氀漀漀瀀猀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀昀攀攀搀戀愀挀欀 氀漀漀瀀猀㰀⼀愀㸀⸀ 吀栀攀 䐀漀洀椀渀漀 䔀昀昀攀挀琀 椀猀 愀氀猀漀 欀渀漀眀渀 愀猀 ∀琀椀瀀瀀椀渀最 挀愀猀挀愀搀攀猀∀ 椀渀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 猀挀椀攀渀挀攀⸀ 䌀愀猀挀愀搀椀渀最 椀洀瀀愀挀琀猀 椀渀 爀攀氀愀琀椀漀渀 琀漀 琀椀瀀瀀椀渀最 瀀漀椀渀琀猀 椀渀挀氀甀搀攀 挀愀猀挀愀搀椀渀最 椀洀瀀愀挀琀猀 愀挀爀漀猀猀 戀椀漀最攀漀瀀栀礀猀椀挀愀氀 愀渀搀 猀漀挀椀愀氀 猀礀猀琀攀洀猀⸀ 唀渀琀椀氀 爀攀挀攀渀琀氀礀Ⰰ 猀挀椀攀渀琀椀猀琀 栀愀瘀攀 戀攀攀渀 搀爀愀猀琀椀挀愀氀氀礀 甀渀搀攀爀攀猀琀椀洀愀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀 猀漀挀椀愀氀ⴀ攀挀漀氀漀最椀挀愀氀 猀礀猀琀攀洀猀⸀ 吀栀攀 唀渀椀瘀攀爀猀椀琀礀 漀昀 䔀砀攀琀攀爀 爀攀瀀漀爀琀猀Ⰰ ∀吀栀攀爀攀 椀猀 愀 渀漀琀愀戀氀攀 氀愀挀欀 漀昀 琀漀瀀椀挀 挀氀甀猀琀攀爀猀 搀攀搀椀挀愀琀攀搀 琀漀 栀漀眀 栀甀洀愀渀猀 眀椀氀氀 戀攀 椀洀瀀愀挀琀攀搀 戀礀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀ⴀ爀攀氀愀琀攀搀 琀椀瀀瀀椀渀最 挀愀猀挀愀搀攀猀⸀∀
倀爀攀瘀椀漀甀猀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 洀漀搀攀氀猀 栀愀瘀攀 椀渀愀搀攀焀甀愀琀攀氀礀 椀渀挀漀爀瀀漀爀愀琀攀搀 ∀猀漀挀椀愀氀ⴀ攀挀漀氀漀最椀挀愀氀 猀礀猀琀攀洀猀∀ 愀猀 栀甀洀愀渀 椀渀瘀漀氀瘀攀洀攀渀琀 眀愀猀 渀漀琀 愀 猀椀最渀椀昀椀挀愀渀琀 昀愀挀琀漀爀 椀渀 瀀愀猀琀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀猀⸀ 刀攀最爀攀琀琀愀戀氀礀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 唀渀椀琀攀搀 匀琀愀琀攀猀 爀愀渀欀猀 愀洀漀渀最 琀栀攀 氀攀愀猀琀 瀀爀攀瀀愀爀攀搀 挀漀甀渀琀爀椀攀猀 最氀漀戀愀氀氀礀Ⰰ 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 栀椀最栀攀猀琀 瀀攀爀挀攀渀琀愀最攀 漀昀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 搀攀渀椀攀爀猀⸀ 吀栀攀 刀攀瀀甀戀氀椀挀愀渀 瀀愀爀琀礀 搀椀猀洀椀猀猀攀猀 椀琀 愀猀 愀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀琀甀爀攀搀 挀爀椀猀椀猀 愀渀搀 瀀氀愀渀猀 琀漀 椀渀挀爀攀愀猀攀 昀漀猀猀椀氀 昀甀攀氀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀椀漀渀Ⰰ 攀砀愀挀攀爀戀愀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀 猀椀琀甀愀琀椀漀渀⸀ 倀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀 攀砀琀爀攀洀椀猀琀猀 愀猀猀攀爀琀椀渀最 琀栀愀琀 琀栀攀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀爀椀猀椀猀 椀猀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀琀甀爀攀搀 攀洀瀀氀漀礀 愀渀 椀爀漀渀椀挀 琀攀爀洀Ⰰ 挀漀渀猀椀搀攀爀椀渀最 琀栀愀琀 栀甀洀愀渀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀琀甀爀椀渀最 愀挀琀椀瘀椀琀椀攀猀 愀爀攀 琀栀攀 瀀爀椀洀愀爀礀 搀爀椀瘀攀爀 漀昀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀⸀ 䈀漀琀栀 瀀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀 瀀愀爀琀椀攀猀 栀愀瘀攀 挀漀渀挀甀爀爀攀搀 琀漀 愀氀氀漀挀愀琀攀 甀渀氀椀洀椀琀攀搀 攀洀攀爀最攀渀挀礀 昀甀渀搀椀渀最 昀漀爀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 搀椀猀愀猀琀攀爀猀 椀渀猀琀攀愀搀 漀昀 瀀爀漀愀挀琀椀瘀攀氀礀 瀀爀攀瘀攀渀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀洀⸀ 䰀愀猀琀 礀攀愀爀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 唀匀 眀椀琀渀攀猀猀攀搀 愀 爀攀挀漀爀搀 渀甀洀戀攀爀 漀昀 漀瘀攀爀 愀 戀椀氀氀椀漀渀ⴀ搀漀氀氀愀爀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 搀椀猀愀猀琀攀爀猀Ⰰ 琀漀琀愀氀椀渀最 ㈀㠀 猀攀瀀愀爀愀琀攀 眀攀愀琀栀攀爀 愀渀搀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀ⴀ爀攀氀愀琀攀搀 攀瘀攀渀琀猀⸀ 䤀琀 椀猀 搀甀攀 琀漀 琀栀椀猀 愀爀爀漀最愀渀挀攀 愀渀搀 椀最渀漀爀愀渀挀攀 琀栀愀琀 ∀眀漀爀猀琀ⴀ挀愀猀攀 猀挀攀渀愀爀椀漀猀∀ 愀爀攀 渀漀眀 ∀戀攀猀琀ⴀ挀愀猀攀 猀挀攀渀愀爀椀漀猀∀ 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 愀挀挀攀氀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀 漀昀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 挀栀愀渀最攀⸀ 吀栀攀猀攀 昀愀挀琀漀爀猀 栀愀瘀攀 愀氀琀攀爀攀搀 漀甀爀 挀氀椀洀愀琀攀 洀漀搀攀氀Ⰰ 猀栀椀昀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀 瀀爀漀樀攀挀琀攀搀 洀愀砀椀洀甀洀 琀攀洀瀀攀爀愀琀甀爀攀 爀椀猀攀 昀爀漀洀 㐀 搀攀最爀攀攀猀 䌀攀氀猀椀甀猀 漀瘀攀爀 琀栀攀 渀攀砀琀 洀椀氀氀攀渀渀椀甀洀 琀漀 愀 瀀爀漀戀愀戀氀攀 椀渀挀爀攀愀猀攀 漀昀 㤀 搀攀最爀攀攀猀 䌀攀氀猀椀甀猀 琀栀椀猀 挀攀渀琀甀爀礀⸀
What Can I Do? There are numerous actions you can take to contribute to saving the planet. Each person bears the responsibility to minimize pollution, discontinue the use of fossil fuels, reduce consumption, and foster a culture of love and care. The Butterfly Effect illustrates that a small change in one area can lead to significant alterations in conditions anywhere on the globe. Hence, the frequently heard statement that a fluttering butterfly in China can cause a hurricane in the Atlantic. Be a butterfly and affect the world.
㰀瀀㸀㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀最漀ⴀ渀攀琀ⴀ稀攀爀漀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀䠀攀爀攀 椀猀 愀 氀椀猀琀 漀昀 愀搀搀椀琀椀漀渀愀氀 愀挀琀椀漀渀猀 礀漀甀 挀愀渀 琀愀欀攀⸀㰀⼀愀㸀㰀⼀瀀㸀
㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀最氀漀戀愀氀开眀愀爀洀椀渀最⼀渀漀琀攀猀⼀猀氀攀攀瀀椀渀最ⴀ最椀愀渀琀ⴀ愀渀愀氀漀最礀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀䄀爀挀栀椀瘀攀搀 嘀攀爀猀椀漀渀 ⠀㈀ 㤀⤀㰀⼀愀㸀
Crisis Management Plan
㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀欀椀渀最愀爀琀栀甀爀⸀挀漀洀⼀最愀洀攀猀⼀∀㸀倀氀愀礀
The Game Of Living㰀戀爀㸀
Alternative Music Version㰀戀爀㸀
Tunnel Under Thesis㰀戀爀㸀
Global Warming㰀瀀㸀
Main Index㰀⼀栀㌀㸀
꤀ ㈀ 㐀Ⰰ ㈀ ㈀㐀 㰀愀 栀爀攀昀㴀∀栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀洀攀洀戀爀愀渀攀⸀挀漀洀⼀眀攀氀挀漀洀攀㈀⸀栀琀洀氀∀㸀吀栀攀 倀栀椀氀愀搀攀氀瀀栀椀愀 匀瀀椀爀椀琀
Experiment Publishing Company
吀栀攀猀攀 最爀愀瀀栀椀挀猀Ⰰ 椀洀愀最攀猀Ⰰ 琀攀砀琀 挀漀瀀礀Ⰰ 猀椀最栀琀猀 漀爀 猀漀甀渀搀猀 洀愀礀 渀漀琀 戀攀 甀猀攀搀 眀椀琀栀漀甀琀 漀甀爀
expressed written consent.㰀⼀昀漀渀琀㸀