What do all of those real estate acronyms in the ads mean?  

If you find yourself stumbling over weird acronyms in a real estate listing, don't be alarmed. There is method to the madness of this shorthand (which is mostly adopted by sellers to save money in advertising charges). Here are some abbreviations and the meaning of each, taken from a recent newspaper classified section:

assum. fin. -- assumable financing
dk -- deck
gar -- garage (garden is usually abbreviated "gard")
penths -- fabulous penthouse, a room on top, underneath the roof, that sometimes
    has views
FDR -- formal dining room (not the former president)
frplc, fplc, FP -- fireplace
grmet kit -- gourmet kitchen
HDW, HWF, Hdwd -- hardwood floors
hi ceils -- high ceilings
In-law potential -- potential for a separate apartment. Sometimes, local zoning codes
    restrict rentals of such units so be sure the conversion is legal first.
lsd pkg. -- leased parking area, may come with an additional cost
lo dues -- find out just how low these homeowner's dues are, and in comparison to
pvt -- private
pwdr rm -- powder room, or half-bath
upr - upper floor
vw, vu, vws, vus -- view(s)
Wow! -- better check this one out.


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