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Welcome To The
Gallery of Originals
By Whimsical Notes Artist,
Jane Kavanagh Morton
Peruse our gallery to find:

intellectual insects
fanciful fish
colorful characters
mixed media moments
collage critters

Click on image for larger view

Great imagery for every room in your home

To purchase, please inquire
Tel: 302-368-9423
fax: 302-368-1875

email: jmorton@whimsicalnotes.com
snail mail: 227 Cheltenham Road
Newark, De  19711
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Illustrations of "The Childrens' Hour" By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Original prints
Children's Hour #1
Art Works
Children's Hour #2
The Childrens' Hour
Children's Hour #3
Illustrations from a story written and illustrated by Jane Kavanagh Morton
Floating Away
Floating Away
This item has been sold. If you are interested in a similiar piece, please contact Jane at jmorton@whimsicalnotes.com
Pen and Ink Drawings
Mantis speaks to his small friend.
This item has been sold. If you are interested in a similiar piece, please contact Jane at jmorton@whimsicalnotes.com
AtThe Entrance Way
At The Entrance Way
Illustrations and Original Stories
Speaking to the King.
This item has been sold. If you are interested in a similiar piece, please contact Jane at jmorton@whimsicalnotes.com
Illustrations from "Wynken, Blynken and Nod"
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
Wynken, Blynken, & Nod-Collage
#1 colored pencil
#2 colored pencil
#3 colored pencil
Children and Insects - ink washes, pen and ink
Ink Washes
"Hanging Out With My Friend"
Original Art Works
"Safe With My Friend"
Children's Art
"I Am Not Alone"

Hand Colored Prints
Book Bugs
"The Book Bugs"
animal_da_at_the_library.jpg (100453 bytes)
"Animal Day At The Library"
colorbestfriends.jpg (252216 bytes)
"Unique Friends"
Bugs_In_Flight.jpg (9346 bytes)
"Bugs In Flight On A Summer's Night"
sad_bear.jpg (10871 bytes)
"Sad Bear"
This item has been sold. If you are interested in a similiar piece, please contact Jane at jmorton@whimsicalnotes.com
penguin_th.jpg (2379 bytes)
"Agitated Penguin"
Indignant Penguin
"Indignant Penguin"
Fanciful Fish
fatfish.jpg (7974 bytes)
coming out to play.jpg (332852 bytes)
"Coming Out to
lionfish.jpg (43479 bytes)
"The Doctor Will see you now!"
goldie.jpg (36566 bytes)
"Goldie" mixed media
fishband3.jpg (76490 bytes)
Fish Band
meadow.jpg (23724 bytes)
In The Meadow

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